Anime Yokai Spooks the Crowd!
Happy Halloween to everyone!....or at least almost Happy Halloween since we are about a week and a half away from the fated day of tricks...
Fall 2018 Line-Up!
Good afternoon ANK members! This is your secretary bringing everyone some information over our list of shows for the Fall 2018 semester....
Don't Worry! We Are Here!
Hello everyone! This is your secretary speaking (technically typing, I know). I am happy to let everyone know that the ANK website is...
Spring 2018 Line Up and Announcement
Good Afternoon ANK members, this is your President speaking. Hope everyone has enjoyed their winter break and ready to be back to school...
Anime Yokai Is Around the Corner!
We only have a week away for our annual Halloween party! It’s that time of year again! Are you up to dealing to kill demons? So get your...
Treasurer Election
We start off elections this week to nominate our next Treasurer. We are doing the voting on Friday, September 29, during the meeting so...
Week #1 of September Schedule
Hey ANK members! Over here at ANK HQ, your officers have been hard at work picking up the pieces of the schedule that Harvey blasted...
Weather Update
We have been made aware of the current weather and are monitoring the weather right now, because it could affect the Friday meeting. We...
Fall 2017 Line Up and Announcement
Good Afternoon ANK members, this is your President speaking. Hope everyone has enjoyed their summer break and ready to take over UH this...
Join To Volunteer At Anime Matsuri!
Anime Matsuri needs a hand! If you want to be part of Anime Matsuri, here's your chance! For 2018, they are going to the next level and...